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How do I become a vendor at the market?

Specific types of products, MLM’s, realtors, insurance, politicians and other solicitors are prohibited from the market. The number of vendors, producers, or service providers is subject to change at the discretion of the committee to maintain market balance.

It is your responsibility to observe and understand any licensing and laws regarding your product and any city/county registrations needed including but not limited to Business Tax receipts, cottage food laws, etc. This is a city event and your participation acknowledges that you understand and are following all rules and regulations and are subject to any inspection by the city or other authorities.

For more information you can follow our social media pages or email

How can I join the Downtown Business Group?

The Downtown Business Group is for business owners in the St. Cloud, Florida Downtown district. You can email for more information. 

Who do I contact about becoming a sponsor at a downtown event?

We are always looking for sponsors for all of our downtown events. You can email if you are interested

When do the markets take place?

Markets take place on the last Wednesday of every month from 5-9pm (with the exception of November and December which take place the week before the holidays those months)

I applied as a vendor and haven't heard back, who can I contact?

First, check your spam/junk folder sometimes it sneaks in there. 

Next, add to your address book so it doesn't filter to the wrong folder in the future. 

The volunteer-based committee meets twice a month to review vendors and discuss market matters. Initial emails for the season will come out about a month before the first market of the season so Fall applicants can expect an acceptance email by end of August. Spring applicants can expect an acceptance email at the end of December or early January. Young entrepreneurs will hear in late May or early June. 

Still have a question? Simply email with your contact name and business name and one of our volunteers will get back to you. 

Do I have to apply every month for the market?

ALL vendors MUST re-apply each season for the market.
Spring Season- Jan-May 
Summer Young Entrepreneurs Season -June & July 
Fall Season - Sept-Dec

Do you provide any tables or tents at your events?

We do not provide ANY items for vendors at ANY event. You are to bring your own table, chairs, lighting, set up etc. While tents are allowed at our events they are only allowed in designated areas.

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